

Student Leadership Handover Liturgy


Through prayer, we gathered to express our deep gratitude for the 2020 College Captains and Year 12 Student Representative Council who have guided the student cohort very conscientiously. We would like to acknowledge and thank Jenna Glamuzina and Joshua Graham (Captains) and Phoebe Hunter and Patrick Kennedy (Deputy Captains) for achieving this.

We are equally joyed and excited by the enthusiasm and skillset of the incoming leaders: Ella Chamberlain and Clancy Morgan (Captains) and Cate Dunemann and Tom Clancy (Deputy Captains). Our leaders will be well supported by their Year 12 peers on the Student Representative Council - Meg Heritage, Sienna Poole, Jenna Cuffe, Madelene Press, Annika Searle and Lauren Howell.

We wish these students all the best as they begin their leadership journey and guide the hearts and minds of their fellow students at Caritas College in 2021.

A place where we can grow

Joy in belonging | Pride in achieving | Hope in serving