

Caritas College Turns 150!


On Sunday 16th May the parish and school combined to hold an event to mark this special occasion.  The day began with Mass at All Saints Church with over 150 parishioners, staff, students and invited guests in attendance.  Bishop Karol Kulczycki SDS, Bishop Emeritus Gregory O'Kelly SJ and Fr Jim Monaghan presided over the Mass of Thanksgiving to pay homage to the Sisters of St Joseph and acknowledge their incredible commitment, service and leadership to the people of Port Augusta and the Caritas College school community.

Following the Mass the congregation moved to the Fountain Gallery, which was once the convent for the Sisters of St Joseph.  The walls were lined with photos of days gone by to provoke special memories and important conversations for people as they wandered through the premises.  The marquees on the front lawn of the former convent provided the perfect setting for people to sit and reminisce while they shared lunch and swapped stories.

On Monday 17th the students arrived at school knowing it was going to be a special day.  A whole-school assembly was held in front of the Chapel with special guests in attendance.  There was birthday cake and a special tree was planted to commemorate the day.  Following morning tea, some of the sisters who taught at the school were invited into classes to share their stories and memories of Caritas College with the current students.

A place where we can grow

Joy in belonging | Pride in achieving | Hope in serving