

Year 12 Retreat


Students explored and developed an understanding of the ways in which human desire is an expression of God's desire for humanity to live in love and throughout both days engaged in prayer, liturgy, discussion, journal writing, group work and debate.  They reflected on their human experience and discussed virtues, such as compassion, courage, justice, fidelity and integrity.  They were also able to express their understanding of love in a range of creative ways.

Wednesday evening began with the students leading us in a beautifully reflective liturgical celebration before dinner, followed by an op-shop fashion parade, which was beyond anything imagined.  A number of students entertained the group with their fashion parade antics, and prizes were awarded to a fabulously outfitted wedding party, two elderly 'parishioners' resplendent in cardigans and pearls and a group of nursing home escapees who danced up a storm.  We finished the evening with a quiz night to rival all others with the 'Room 43' taking first place.

On Thursday the students participated in a number of activities designed around the Child Protection Curriculum focussing on Healthy Relationships and Consent.  Over the course of the two days, students participated with eagerness and enthusiasm and were rewarded with a truly memorable and profound experience.

A place where we can grow

Joy in belonging | Pride in achieving | Hope in serving