

Mary MacKillop Feast Day


A whole school Liturgy was celebrated today under the protection of Saint Mary's Shelter with Father Jim Monaghan.  Then in the afternoon fun and games were had by all students and staff alike as our Year 12 students led classes in games such as Tug-o-war, musical hoops, water relay, golden child and three-legged races, just to name a few.  Being an R-12 college allows us the opportunity to come together rather uniquely and on these special occasions the secondary classes were buddied up alongside the primary school classes with the older students playing alongside their younter counterparts.  It was extremely pleasing to witness the spirit with which students engaged with one another making the day a huge success for all.  A very special thankyou to the Year 12 students who did an amazing job organising and running each game.  Well done to everyone for their wonderful spirit of inclusion.

A place where we can grow

Joy in belonging | Pride in achieving | Hope in serving