The Student Leadership Handover Liturgy was celebrated last week which is an opportunity for the Senior Student Representative Council of 2024 to pass the baton on to those elected for 2025.
Our Term 4 Caritas Cubs Transition program started this week. We had 18 little people start their schooling adventure as they prepare for Reception in 2025. Goodluck to these children and their families as they learn, play and grow together for their transition from Kindergarten to school life at Caritas College.
Last Thursday the Year 12 students braved the elements and participated in a ‘sleep out’ to raise awareness for those Australians who are homeless. The aim of the event was for students to experience a glimpse of what it might be like for people who are currently without a permanent home or shelter. Jake Collins from the Salvation Army spoke to the students about the impact of homelessness which was empowering for students to hear.
This week our Year 9 students travelled to Ikara National Park to take part in their Rite Journey camp. The girls travelled to Ikara National Park on Wednesday and returned on Thursday, while the boys headed up for their overnight camp on Thursday and returned today.
Congratulations to all of the students from our parish and school community who celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation last weekend. It was wonderful to have Bishop Karol join us in celebrating the full initiation of our young people as members of the Church.
On the 15th of August the Year 11 cohort engaged in their Leadership Day at West Augusta Football Club. The day included a number of guest speakers and workshops, all focused on the theme of leadership. The group discussed what leadership means to them, preparing them to be leaders of our school in 2025.
The picnic tables at Rotary Park, have had a facelift thanks to a partnership between the Rotary Port Augusta, Caritas College and the Port Augusta City Council. Each of the three picnic tables features a unique artwork, drawing inspiration from Port Augusta and surrounds.
At the end of Term 1, our Year 12 students enjoyed being together at Spear Creek for their Year 12 Retreat. The two days away provided an opportunity to pause, reflect, and to connect with peers, creating memories that they will cherish in the years to come.
Yesterday, a number of students from Year 7 travelled to Port Pirie to celebrate the Chrism Mass.
Yesterday, our Year 5-12 student leaders and a number of staff members, attended a memorial service for Sr Mary Laurencia at her graveside at Stirling North Cemetery.