

Year 12 Seminar Day


The Year 12 Seminar Day was focused on our 2024 theme, Let Your Light Shine. 


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Sacrament of Reconciliation


Thursday night saw some of our students and young parishioners celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation. This was a wonderful celebration, held at All Saints Church, with Fr Jim celebrating a liturgy before each child coming forward to receive this Sacrament. We keep these young people, and their families and faith friends, in our prayers at this time as they continue their initiation into full and active participation within the Church.

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Mass of Thanksgiving


Last Friday we came together as a school community to celebrate our Mass of Thanksgiving. It was a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the successes and achievements of the 2023 year. Of course, there was a particular focus on our Year 12 students as they have now completed their schooling journey. We asked for God’s blessing on them as they step into a new phase of their life beyond school. 

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Year 12 Sleep Out


On Thursday 28th September, the Year 12 students were invited to participate in a sleepout on the veranda of the E block in an awareness raising exercise of the plight of the homeless.


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Sacrament of Confirmation


On Sunday 13th August 7 students and their families came together to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation with Father Jim, at All Saints Catholic Parish. Family, friends and the Parish enjoyed the spirit-filled celebration and watched on with admiration as their young people renewed their Baptismal Promises and were anointed with the Holy Chrism Oil. 


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Celebration of the Sacrament of First Eucharist


Over the past two weekends, 16 students celebrated the Sacrament of First Eucharist at All Saints Parish with Father Jim officiating. Along with family and friends, the students participated with reverence in the Mass as they received the Eucharist for the first time, thereby continuing their Sacramental journey of initiation.

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National Reconciliation Week Liturgy


On Thursday morning, we acknowledged National Reconciliation Week with our whole school Liturgy.  The theme of National Reconciliation Week is 'Be a Voice for Generations', explored though both the passage from Matthew's gospel of Jesus healing the mute man and the Uluru Statement from the Heart.  Classes have spent time engaging with the passage and Uluru Statement and discussing the importance of reconciliation to think about how they can help those who don't have a voice or allowing others the space to have a voice.

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2023 Paschal Candle


In 2022 Fr Jim approached the Caritas College Senior Art Teacher, Ms Courtney Redden, to collaborate with a number students and Fr Brian (formally of Jamestown) to design and make the 2023 Paschal Candle for the Port Augusta Parish Church.  

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Year 12 Shared Lunch


Today the Year 12s gathered together to share a meal that they had prepared to raise funds for Project Compassion. Students helped to cook damper, rice and soup and then shared their meal with one another, each student paying $5 for Project Compassion. The students also made sandwiches, which were taken to Father Jim to distribute to the less fortunate who visit the presbytery.

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Sr Mary Laurencia Memorial Service


Today our Year 5-12 student leaders accompanied Fr Jim, several parishioners and a number of staff memberrs travelled to the Stirling North Cemetery for the annual memorial service for Sr Mary Laurencia at her graveside.   

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A place where we can grow

Joy in belonging | Pride in achieving | Hope in serving