Caritas Cubs
Caritas College is excited to announce two exciting new initiatives supporting local families. Caritas Cubs Playgroup and Reception Transition Program will commence in Week 1 of next term.
On the morning of Friday 11th March, the Year 5-12 student leaders from Caritas College accompanied Fr. Jim, the NET team, and several staff members to our annual memorial service for Sr Mary Laurencia at her graveside in Stirling North Cemetery.
Yesterday the Year 12s gathered together for the first of their Religious Education Seminar Days. The theme for Friday was centred on Caritas Australia's focus for Project Compassion which this year is 'For All Future Generations' and our school theme for 2022 'Who is my neighbour?'.
Ella Dixon was yesterday presented with top honours for the 2021 Year 12 cohort.
Caritas College celebrated their Mass of Thanksgiving, a whole school.
On Tuesday, Week 4 the Year 9 students were involved in a Community Day Out.
Congratulations to our Year 10 STEM class who travelled to Whyalla on Friday 15 October to present their solutions to a series of challenges as part of UniSA's STEM Innovation Experience.
On Thursday and Friday of Week 9 our Year 7 and 8 Confirmation students were invited to participate in a couple of activities designed to have them think a little more deeply about the Sacrament and what it means for them now that they have entered the 'adulthood' of their faith.