

Year 11 Leadership Day


The Year 11 Leadership Day was held at the school on the 19th August Thursday.  It involved students getting out of their comfort zones and working in groups they wouldn't normally. 

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Sacrament of Confirmation


After a few false starts and a few tense moments of uncertainty, we were finally able to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation, on Friday 13th August with Bishop Karol and Father Jim, at All Saints Catholic Parish. 

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Year 12 Retreat


On Monday June 28th the Year 12s climbed aboard the big bus and made their way to the Pichi Richi Campsite, where they spent both Monday and Tuesday in refection. The days provided students with a unique opportunity to refresh and regroup during a very busy time of the year, whilst also engaging them in a number of reflective activities centred on ‘Our Call to Love’.

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Old Scholar Receives Scholarship


Congratulations to Phoebe Hunter, who is one of two students from Port Augusta to win a St Ann’s College scholarship!

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Caritas College Turns 150!


The 17th of May is a significant day for Caritas College each yera.  It marks the day that the school first started in 1871.  This year the school community celebrates the remarkable milestone of turning 150!

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Bishop Karol Visit


Last week some of our students were privileged to meet with Bishop Karol and Nichii Mardon (Director of CESA in the Port Pirie Diocese) who were visiting Port Augusta. They went on a tour around the school meeting and chatting to students about their learning.


Caritas Ks


 “You never really understand a person until you consider things from their point of view…till you climb inside of their skin and walk around in it.”

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GRIP Conference


Last week a number of our Year 5, 6 and 7 SRC members attended the GRIP Conference. 

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Rite Journey Calling and Departure Ceremony


On Thursday 18th March, the Year 9 students and their families gathered at the Port Augusta Yacht Club to celebrate their Calling and Departure Ceremony. 

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Farewell Fr Khalid


Staff recently gathered to farewell Fr Khalid who will soon be moving to Canberra to share his ministry with others in a new role. 

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A place where we can grow

Joy in belonging | Pride in achieving | Hope in serving