Last week a number of our Year 5, 6 and 7 SRC members attended the GRIP Conference.
On Thursday 18th March, the Year 9 students and their families gathered at the Port Augusta Yacht Club to celebrate their Calling and Departure Ceremony.
Staff recently gathered to farewell Fr Khalid who will soon be moving to Canberra to share his ministry with others in a new role.
On the morning of Thursday 11th March, the year 5-12 student leaders from Caritas College accompanied Fr. Jim, Fr. Khalid, and several parishioners and staff members to our annual memorial service for Sr Mary Laurencia at her graveside at Stirling North Cemetery.
On Tuesday 2nd February the Year 12s gathered together for the first of their Religious Education Seminar Days. The theme for Tuesday was centred on Caritas Australia’s focus for Project Compassion which this year is ‘Be More’ and our school theme for 2021 ‘Come and Stay’.
On Thursday we celebrated the Student Leadership Handover Liturgy, where the reigns of student leadership were passed on to our incoming student leaders.
R U OK? Day was an opportunity to discuss some important issues, it was also a reminder that the questions asked are not only for one day.
Thursday Week 5 the Year 5 students were fortunate to go on an adventure they had all been waiting patiently to for!
In a world of uncertainty, there was one thing that was clear for our leadership team. Never see a need without doing something about it, this echoes loud across our Josephite school, particularly after celebrating St Mary MacKillop last week.