Des's Transport provides a transport service for students to and from the college. The timetable and maps for the bus service can be found here.
Ticket pricing is as follows: Single Trip $1.30 or 10 Trip $11.00
Please note that as of Monday 1 July 2024 prices will increase as follows:
The driver can accept cash or EFTPOS.
Des's Transport has a passenger App called 'Transportme' which can be downloaded and used for students and parents to track the bus they are hoping to catch. The QR code provided will allow parents/students to download the app on the Apps and Play Store. To open the app, you must create an account or sign in with google, go to 'Live Tracking', select the 'Search' function, type 'Des Transport' and select your desired route and time.
If you would like to get in contact with Des's Transport, please phone them on 8644 7744 or send them an email at:
To support the safe and comfortable transit to and from school, students who utilise the bus service are expected to adhere to a number of expectations and procedures. The safety of all bus users is our main concern, and the school will continue to work with Des’ Bus Company to support this service. The expectations and procedures relating to bus transport can be found here.