Issue 5, 28 March 2025
- From the Acting Principal, Lexie Morris
- Catholic Identity
- Sports Day
- Year 11 Outdoor Education Camp
- Year 10 First Aid
- Rite Journey - Calling & Departure Ceremony
- Interim Reports
- From the Assistant Principal Religious Identity and Mission, Chloe Shanahan
- Children and Young People's Mass
- Project Compassion
- Caritas K's
- Lent and Easter Eggs
- Stations of the Cross
- Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary - 25 March
- From the R - 3 Director of Learning & Wellbeing, Jessica Francis
- Problem Solving Play
- From the Assistant Principal of Learning & Wellbeing, Alanah Rowe
- Positive Behavioural Interventions and Support
- Teaching and Learning
- Reception Gold - Music
- Year 2 - Harmony Week
- Year 5/6 - SAPSASA Basketball
- Out and About
The convergence of the Third Week of Lent and the Solemnity of the Annunciation invites a unique reflection on the themes of humility, obedience, and divine grace. As we journey through Lent, we are reminded of our need for God's mercy and the transformative power of His love. The Annunciation, with its message of hope and redemption, offers a moment of joy and anticipation for the coming season.
In this time, we can reflect on our own willingness to say 'yes' to God's call in our lives. To be open to His will, even when it challenges us or leads us into the unknown?
May this period of Lent and the celebration of the Annunciation deepen our faith, renew our spirits, and draw us closer to the heart of God.
Sports Day 2025 was again another successful event for the Caritas community. The day not only highlighted the outstanding athletic prowess of our students but also the amazing leadership, teamwork and spirit of participation that is alive and well in our community. Some of the best examples of this on the day were not just students who donned a selection of ribbons, but those who volunteered at the BBQ, supported our Junior Primary students and those who cheered on or congratulated other students on their participation and success. We were blessed with near perfect weather that saw team Joseph House break a 22-year drought taking out both the Sports Day and the Team Spirit award.
A big thank you to all families who came along and supported the day, and, to staff for the huge effort that goes into running this event. Well done to House Captains and all students who supported the running of the day.

Earlier this week the Year 11 Outdoor Education class ventured to Hindmarsh Island to undertake their major practical component. Under the guidance and support of Mr Josh Lambert and Mrs Fiona Antonic students kayaked for 3 days whilst camping overnight. Although the weather was advantageous a day one head wind added an extra challenge for our aspiring kayakers, as well as some tricky crossings on day two. Apparently, a 5.30am start on the water on the last day was made a bit easier by the thought of a pie from the bakery once they reached their final destination.
By all accounts it was a challenging but highly rewarding experience for students who recognised their awesome efforts once the days were done. Congratulations to all students who participated in this activity and a big thank you to Josh and Fiona for facilitating this camp.

On Monday our Year 10 students participated in First Aid. The day was an informative and engaging way for students to gain valuable life-saving skills. The day began with an introduction to the basics of first aid, including how to assess a situation and prioritise care. Students learned about common injuries and emergencies and how to respond effectively. Hands-on demonstrations were a key part of the day, allowing everyone to practice techniques like CPR and wound dressing. Interactive scenarios helped students apply what they had learned, reinforcing the importance of staying calm and acting quickly.
By the end of day, students left with a greater understanding of how to provide immediate care in emergencies, to potentially save lives. It was a valuable experience that highlighted the importance of being prepared and knowledgeable in first aid.
This week our Year 9’s launched the Rite Journey program with their Calling Ceremony. This ceremony involved students and their families gathering to watch the sunrise and sharing some sacred time together. The backdrop of the beautiful Flinders Ranges made for a quaint and reverent occasion. The students shared special memories with their loved ones and expressed gratitude for the support they’ve been given throughout their childhood. They then made a commitment to take the leap from childhood to adulthood. It was a privilege witnessing families bond over this rite of passage. Following the ceremony our students and families gathered back at school for breakfast in the staff courtyard, which was a lovely way to celebrate this special event.

As per our assessment and reporting schedule, students in Years 3-12 will receive an Interim report before the end of Week 11. This report will provide a helpful snapshot of your child’s learning throughout Term 1. I also encourage parents/caregivers to check SEQTA and review the assessments that have been uploaded throughout the term.
While students in Years R-2 do not receive and Interim Report at the end of Term 1, you can check the SEESAW application, which is used to provide parents/caregiver with an ongoing window into student activity, learning and achievements. I encourage parents/caregivers to contact their student’s class teacher if you have any questions.
The All Saints Catholic Parish will be holding a Children and Young People’s Mass this Saturday 29 March at 6:30pm and Sunday 30 March at 10:30am. This will be an opportunity for children and young people of the parish to lead this mass – reading, bring forth the gifts and singing. We would love to see as many families as possible attend this mass, as we begin to celebrate these once per term with the celebration of each Sacrament. If you would like your child to be involved, please contact Mrs Chloe Shanahan at Caritas College on 8648 9700 or
Throughout the six weeks of Lent, students across the College will learn about the work of Project Compassion and how it helps provide individuals and communities across the world with much needed money or equipment to access basic human resources.
This week, we introduce Irene, a single mother in the war-torn Kongolo region of the Democratic Republic of Congo. After her husband abandoned here, Irene struggled to support her two children, often going hungry for extended periods of time.
Through Caritas Australia’s partner, Caritas Kongolo, Irene joined the Youth Capacity Strengthening program, gaining skills in sewing and farming, enabling her to earn a steady income and support her family.
Our Year 11 students continue to reflect upon their personal experiences from their Caritas K’s walk the other week and are now seeking donations to support our Project Compassion campaign.
You can donate online through the QR code or alternatively by clicking here.
As we mark the half way point of Lent, the time of preparation for the season of Easter. We remain in Lent and Holy Week until Easter Sunday, celebrated on April 20. The themes during this time are prayer, fasting and almsgiving. On Easter Sunday, we move into the joyful season of Easter which is 50 days of celebrating. In honouring the significance and this wonderful tradition, the giving of Easter eggs is encouraged to happen only after the Resurrection of Christ on Easter Sunday.
If you are looking for a way to enjoy your Easter treats that support ethical and sustainable practices, consider purchasing slavery-free certified chocolate Easter eggs. This sends a message to chocolate companies that consumers care about social justice and responsibility, connected to our Catholic Social Teaching of Dignity of the Human Person.
Holy Week this year falls in the first week of the school holidays, so throughout Week 11, students across the College will gather in year levels to commemorate the Stations of the Cross. Since the earliest centuries of the Church, Christians have made pilgrimages to Jerusalem to walk in the footsteps of Jesus during his suffering, death and resurrection. During the fifteenth century, Christians began the practice of prayerfully meditating on the Passion of Christ by reproducing the pilgrimage in what we now know as the Stations of the Cross. By walking with Jesus, we join our personal suffering with his, knowing that he will lead us to new life through his Resurrection.
In this Jubilee Year, where we are called to be Pilgrims of Hope, the Stations of the Cross takes on a significant meaning as we consider the hope that Jesus continues to bring to our world as we journey with him in his final moments.
On Tuesday, we marked the feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This is when we celebrate the day that the Angel Gabriel visited Mary, announcing that she was going to be the mother of Jesus. Even though Mary did not understand completely, she trusted God’s plan for her life, and she said yes to becoming the mother of God and our spiritual mother.
The words of the Hail Mary come from the Angel’s greeting: 'Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you'. God’s grace lives in each one of us, however Mary was full of grace as she was deemed to be the most perfect vessel to carry Jesus.
As part of our Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) program, students from Foundation to Year 3 will have opportunities to engage in problem-solving play, beginning in Term 2. This play is an essential aspect of their development and helps students build important skills such as resilience, autonomy, conflict resolution, and problem-solving.
The play sessions will take place in a separate area near the ovals and will involve nature-based activities. During this time, students will be encouraged to solve problems on their own, with minimal teacher intervention. This approach is informed by research from The Anxious Generation, written by Jonathan Hadit. It will allow students to experience small challenges and setbacks that, while minor, help them develop the confidence and skills to handle bigger challenges later in life (The Anxious Generation, p. 7).
Teachers will supervise the play, ensuring safety and managing risks. They will also guide students toward solving their own problems, allowing them to apply strategies from Zone of Regulation lessons in real-world situations.
It is important to note that during these moments, your child might feel upset if a teacher does not immediately intervene to ‘fix’ the issue. However, just as we wouldn’t give a toddler a toy to avoid the challenge of walking to it, we don’t want to take away the opportunity for students to learn by ‘fixing’ social conflicts for them.
By allowing students to navigate and resolve their own social problems, we help them build resilience, independence, and the ability to manage challenges confidently.
We encourage you to support this process at home by reinforcing the value of solving problems independently and learning from challenges.
2025 has seen the implementation of our Positive Behavioural Interventions and Support framework across the R-12 College to support the explicit teaching of expected behaviour, recognition of expected behaviours and redirection and correction of behaviour errors.
The school’s three expectations to be safe, responsible and respectful are embedded through pastoral care programs, social and emotional learning programs and everyday classroom conversations to support the consistent use of language and expectations for all students.
The Caritas College staff worked through 2024 to populate what the framework would be for our context and create resources to support all students regardless of prior exposure. The key elements of this framework are;
- Explicit teaching of expected behaviours
- Encouragement of desired behaviours
- Data-informed decision making to target specific behaviours
- Correction / redirection of behaviour errors
The introduction of our House Point System to encourage safe, responsible and respectful behaviours has seen the whole school reach two out of three milestones so far this term. When our school reached 1000 house points students were awarded an extended play time, at 2000 celebrated with Zooper Dooper and if we reach 3000 points we will have a buddy class lesson in week 11.
The House Points also contribute to the year long House Cup awarded to the house team with the most house points.
To support students demonstrating behaviour errors, we have engaged with our behaviour error pathway. Part of this follow up is engaging with students earlier after repeated minor (classroom / teacher managed) behaviour errors to support positive redirection before major (school leadership managed) errors could eventuate. This process includes a student conference where students participate in a targeted conversation about their current behaviour data as documented by staff, the expected replacement behaviour and setting goals to reach a desired outcome.
We have been excited by the engagement from students across the college to demonstrate expected behaviours and enthused by the common language being used in various settings.
If you are interested in learning more about Positive Behavioural Interventions and Supports, please visit:
Reception Gold had a visit to the senior music room this week. They listened to a music performance by the Year 11 students and then got to play the xylophones and glockenspiels.

Our Year 2 students came together to celebrate Harmony Week, a time to learn about and appreciate the diverse cultures that make up our community. The students were introduced to the concept of cultural dress, exploring how clothing represents different traditions and heritage around the world. Each student was assigned a cultural dress code from a variety of countries. Using their creativity, they then gathered scrap materials to design and create a representation of the traditional outfits on paper.

This week, some of our students participated in the SAPSASA Basketball Carnival. Our girls went through the day undefeated and won the carnival whilst our boys unfortunately lost in the Semi-Final and finished 3rd on the day. Thanks to all the players, parents who came out to support and the senior students who volunteered to umpire and coach.

Important Dates
TAFE Auto Block Week (31-4)
Year 12 Workplace Practices Wadlata Excursion
Years 4-6 Assembly
Years 7-9 Assembly
Year 11 RAP Presentation
Year 12 Retreat (9-10)
Rec-Year 3 Assembly
Years 10-12 Assembly
Term 1 Concludes
Good Friday
Easter Sunday
Easter Monday
Term 2 Commences
