Issue 17, 18 October 2024
- From the Principal, Mr Damian Smith
- Term 4
- Student Leaders Handover Liturgy
- Deputy Principal Announcement
- First Nations Year 12 Graduation
- Caritas Cubs Transition Program
- Assessment & Deadline Policy
- Enrolments & Transition Dates for 2025
- Bus Service
- From the Assistant Principal Religious Identity and Mission, Chloe Shanahan
- Made in the Image of God
- Sacrament of Reconciliation
- A Shared Mission
- Out and About
Welcome back for Term 4. I hope that everyone had an enjoyable school holiday break and is looking forward to the term ahead. The next 9 weeks will be inevitably busy with the end of the year looming as a deadline to ‘get things done’. We wish our Year 12’s all the best as they complete their formal lessons next Friday. Of course, they will continue to work and study hard to finalise their courses and prepare for exams. We have a plethora of events and activities in Term 4 to look forward to including, camps, excursions, Mass of Thanksgiving, Graduation Dinner and Primary Carols Night. I trust that students, staff and families will embrace the hustle and bustle of Term 4 and find lots of moments as we round out the year.
On Thursday we celebrated the Student Leadership Handover Liturgy. It was an opportunity to recognise our newly elected school leaders and celebrate the important work that our College does in forming thriving and capable young people. We gave thanks for the 2024 Student Leaders and Year 12 Student Representative Council, who then handed over the reins of leadership to their Year 11 peers in preparation for next year. Macey Badcock and Jaxson Blinman will be our new College Captains. They will be well supported by the Vice Captains, Ella Humphrys and Max Grover. I am confident and excited about the positive contributions they will make to our school community to ensure that Caritas College continues to be a place where everyone can grow in love, wonder and understanding. May we offer them our support and best wishes as they take on the responsibilities of student leadership in 2025

On Monday families received communication relating to Lexie Morris’ appointment to the substantive position of Deputy Principal at Caritas College, commencing in 2025. Lexie is well known to the Caritas College community through her current role as Acting Deputy Principal and from her work and leadership roles within the College across the last 16 years. I know students, staff and families will join me in congratulating Lexie and wish her all the best as she carries on the tremendous legacy of Mary MacKillop at Caritas College for many years to come.
In Week 10 of last term, our College hosted a Graduation Ceremony for Aboriginal students who, this year, completed their studies in a Catholic school. Students from Caritas College, Samaritan College (Whyalla) and St Mark’s College (Pt Pirie) attended. Other students and families were also invited to attend the event as an opportunity to share in their peers’ achievements. Each Year 12 student was presented to the gathering and received a Completion of Studies Certificate along with a beautiful piece of Indigenous artwork completed by David Booth. Congratulations to our Year 12 students, Jada Grosser and Crystal Smith, for the excellent achievement.
Our Term 4 Caritas Cubs Transition program started this week. We had 18 little people start their schooling adventure as they prepare for Reception in 2025. Goodluck to these children and their families as they learn, play and grow together for their transition from Kindergarten to school life at Caritas College.

- Fairness to all students
- Reasonable workloads for students
- Maximising validity of student achievement
- Accommodations and adjustments to support students in meeting assessment requirements and deadlines
- Providing reasonable notice of deadlines
- Sufficient time for teachers to assess the quality of achievement in student learning
- Transparency and consistency in procedures and consequences for not meeting deadlines
- Consideration for extenuating circumstances and/or special provisions
- Operational manageability for schools
At the end of last term, the 7-9 and the 10-12 student cohorts were made aware of the new Assessment and Deadline Policy and Procedure. Furthermore, additional information and support was provided at the beginning of this week to help students to be successful in understanding and adhering to it.
I look forward to this policy making the necessary provisions for our students to develop personal responsibility in managing their time to support and enhance their learning and wellbeing.
A gentle reminder for families to communicate any anticipated changes in enrolments to the front office as soon as possible. We also ask that an Application for Enrolment be filled out for any new children starting in 2025 and beyond (both at the beginning of the year and mid-year intake). A request for an Application for Enrolment can be accessed here.
Transition for students going into Year 7 next year will occur on Monday and Tuesday Week 9. This will provide students with an important opportunity to develop a sense of familiarity with their new school setting and build relationships with their peers and teachers before they join our College in 2025
From time to time, we are informed about issues and incidents that occur on the bus before or after school. While we support all students to be safe, responsible and respectful at school and in the broader community, it is important to remember that the bus is a public service (specifically provided for students for all local schools).
This bus service is owned and operated by Des's Transport. We consult and work with them regularly to support the safe and comfortable transit to and from school. It is important to recognise that, as a public service, students from other schools also access this service. If issues occur, the arrangement with the bus company is that the driver will report behaviours that are not safe, responsible and/or respectful to schools.
If schools receive complaints/concerns relating to the bus company, parents will be directed to contact Des’ Transport on 08 8644 7744. Des’ Transport will communicate specifications of any possible suspensions of use. The safety of all bus users is our main concern, and the College will continue to work with Des’ Transport to support this service
Information was sent at the end of last term about the Made in the Image of God: Human Sexuality program, which is covered within Religious Education classes. Please see the information on the College website here for your child’s year level information letter.
Families are reminded that the next preparation session for parish and College students receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation will be this coming weekend, Saturday 20 October at 6:30pm or Sunday 21 October at 10:30am. The celebration liturgy of the Sacrament will be held at All Saints Church on Thursday 24 October at 7:00pm. We continue to pray for the following students and their families:
Malina Bachmann | Oliver Broadbridge |
Jackson Bunder | Samara Devaasirwatham |
Violet Foote | Cianna George |
Bridget Heron | Audrey Morris |
Brennan Roeby | Mia Roeby |
Aneeshya Samaranayake | Halle Simon |
Jontae Treloar | Eleanor Zerbe |
As the Synod in Rome currently gets underway, Pope Francis reminds us that we are all responsible for continuing the mission of the Church. He calls us to contribute however we can and to use the gifts and talents we have been given. The Synod is a way for Church leadership to listen and walk with the faithful, regardless of who we are and what we give. It has been wonderful reconnecting with students and staff after the break and seeing how members of our community really live this shared mission that Pope Francis speaks of – showing love, care and concern for everyone, and being welcoming and inclusive towards new members of our community. This speaks volumes of our Josephite charism as we continue to grow in love, wonder and understanding of our relationship with God.

Important Dates
Year 12 Last Official Day of Lessons
Years 10-12 Assembly
Year 6 Camp - Willochra (31 Oct to 1 Nov)
Year 12 Exams (4-11)
School Board Meeting
Yr 10 Second Immunisation Date
Years 4-6 Assembly
Mass of Thanksgiving
Year 12 Graduation Dinner
R-3 Assembly
SAPSASA Super 8s Cricket
Years 10 and 11 Assessment Week (25-29)
Years 10-11 Students Conclude Term 4
Years 10-12 Assembly
