Issue 2, 14 February 2025
- From the Principal, Mr Damian Smith
- Leader for the World God Desires
- JJAMM Conference
- Josephite Immersion Trip
- Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum
- SACE Merit Ceremony
- Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD)
- College Fees
- Data Collections
- From the Assistant Principal Religious Identity and Mission, Chloe Shanahan
- Opening Liturgy - Seeds of Hope
- Year 12 Seminar Day
- Adelaide Josephite Immersion
- Lent - a Season of Preparation
- Sacramental Preparation Program
- From the Leader of Learning, Fiona Antonic
- Boosting Brainpower: The Science of Learning and Long-Term Memory
- From the Sports Coordinator, Josh Lambert
- Sports Report
- Out and About
At the heart of our work, we endeavour to form thriving people, capable learners and leaders for the world God desires. So, it was a special opportunity at our Opening School Liturgy on Thursday to induct our Student Leaders in front of the whole school community.
We gathered united in faith and purpose to reflect on our theme for the year, 'Seeds of Hope'. I implored our students, and especially our Student Leaders, to be inspired by the example of Saint Mary MacKillop, and “never see a need without doing something about it”.
As the past, present and future of our school, I wanted them to understand and appreciate that each of them carries a seed of hope within them. It was a lovely Liturgy and fitting way to officially start the school year.
As I write this newsletter, two of our Year 12 Student Leaders are enroute to Sydney to attend the JJAMM Conference. JJAMM stands for Julian, Joseph and Mary MacKillop. It is an annual conference that brings student leaders together from over 25 Josephite schools around Australia. Students will deepen their faith and work together to develop their leadership skills. They will strengthen their commitment to leadership in their school community and make plans to inspire others to make a positive difference. We look forward to Jaxson and Macey sharing their experience in the weeks to come. | ![]() |
Early next week the full complement of our Year 12 Student Leaders will travel to Adelaide to engage in a Josephite immersion experience. This opportunity will provide them with valuable leadership experience as they delve deep into the beautiful story of St Mary MacKillop, Fr Julian Woods and the Sisters of St Joseph. Our students will spend time with Sr Helen Duke who will share precious stories and insights as they visit significant sites detailing the life and legacy of St Mary MacKillop. We wish Ella, Max, Sam, Sophie, Gus, Hannah, Jaxson and Macey all the best for this immersion experience and look forward to them sharing their learning and insights with our school community upon their return.
Child safety and wellbeing is our first and foremost priority. Therefore, our College emphasises the importance of teaching all of our children and young people how to be safe. The Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum is mandated to be taught in all schools in South Australia. It is designed to provide students with age-appropriate information about how to stay safe now and into the future.
The Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum is taught in all classes across the whole year. It focuses on explicitly teaching child safety and respectful relationships. Teachers are busy preparing this learning which will be taught later in the term. If you have any questions about the content or way in which this is taught, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher.
We encourage families to discuss the importance of child protection with their children and to reinforce the learning from the Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum at home. By working together, we can create a safe and supportive environment for all of our students.
Each year the outstanding academic achievements of Year 12 students are recognised at a SACE Merit Ceremony. Unfortunately, due to the extreme heat this week, some of the SACE Merit Ceremonies were postponed. Without wanting to miss an opportunity to celebrate the achievement of one of our students, its important that we recognise Zara Heritage, who received a Merit Certificate for her Research Project. It is also important to acknowledge the staff for their efforts in supporting students to achieve such great success in their learning.
The NCCD is an annual collection of information about Australian school students with disability. The NCCD enables schools to better understand the needs of students with disability and support them to be successful in their learning and wellbeing. The NCCD is underpinned by legislation and it is essential in ensuring that all students, regardless of their abilities, receive the support they are entitled to.
By identifying and recording the adjustments made for students with disability, the NCCD helps schools create more inclusive learning environments. Inclusive practices encourage flexible teaching strategies that cater to different learning styles, which benefit all students. An inclusive school environment also fosters greater understanding, empathy, and respect for diversity.
As such, we work hard to implement appropriate support systems to enable all students to fully participate in learning. It is our aim that this leads to improved academic and social outcomes for all students.
Tax Invoice / Statement of Accounts have been mailed to our families. It is important that a payment plan is entered into as soon as possible to ensure all fees are paid by the end of the school year. Should you have any questions or require assistance with your payment plan, please contact our Finance Team on 8648 9700 or For further financial information, please click here.
Collection Notice for Information for Parents/Guardians
The Australian Government Department of Education would like to notify you that a request has been made for our College to provide residential address and other information as required under the Australian Education Regulation 2023. This collection of data informs Australian Government school education policy and helps ensure funding for non-government schools is based on need. The information collected will be used to inform school funding calculations. You can find more information about this data collection process by clicking here. If you have recently changed your residential address and haven’t notified the college, please advise at your earliest convenience via
Student Background Data
The student background data collection is used to calculate the ICSEA score for schools and allow schools to be compared with similar schools on the MySchools website. To ensure we have the most up-to-date information, we kindly ask parent/guardians to click here to complete the quick online form by Friday 21 February.
Thank you for your cooperation and support. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the college.
Our Opening Liturgy, held on Thursday morning, was a beautiful celebration of unveiling out 2025 theme, Seeds of Hope. Over the last few weeks, students have explored how they can be beacons of hope in our world through understanding the Jubilee Year and what it means to have hope. Both Mr Smith and Fr Sijo talked about the importance of hope in our world, and how we can be seeds to help continue to grow God’s Kingdom here on earth. Our Year 12 leaders and newly inducted SRC members have demonstrated courage to be pillars of hope and will humbly guide and serve our community, making the world a better and brighter place for all.
We were also reminded of the importance of us continuing our College story, as we are the past, present and future of Mary MacKillop’s legacy here in Port Augusta. Mary always looked for those most in need, those who needed the most hope. She courageously worked in isolated communities, bringing hope to all. Even in her darkest moments, she knew that her faith and trust in God would allow her to see where she had come form and where she was going.

The Year 12’s recently spent a day taking a deep dive into the school theme as part of their Seminar Day. Students explored the ways that they are called to be beacons of hope to others in their world, as well as how Mary MacKillop gave hope to others but when she also needed hope in the most challenging times of her ministry. They spent time exploring the words of Pope Francis and we know, that through their leadership of our College community this year, that they will “…be able to offer a smile, a small gesture of friendship, a kind look, a ready ear, a good deed…” Students spent the afternoon diving into the Project Compassion stories for this year before working together to find ways to raise awareness of and act towards issues of social justice in our world.

Our Year 12 student leaders will leave for Adelaide on Tuesday to immerse themselves in the Josephite charism on their annual leadership immersion. This experience is important in their leadership formation and for them to develop both their individual and collective leadership goals and initiatives for 2025. Leaders will learn more about the story of Mary MacKillop and her leadership qualities before meeting with the student leaders of Mary MacKillop College and the Sisters of St Joseph at the Kensington Convent. We look forward to hearing about their experiences and what they have planned for the year as they commit and establish themselves as leaders of our College community.
Lent is a liturgical season lasting 40 days, reminding us of the 40 days that Jesus spent in the wilderness before his triumphant entry into Jerusalem. We are called to pray, fast and give alms as part of our Lenten practice – simple acts that allow us to imitate Jesus, who taught us to fast, pray and live in service to others, especially the poor, vulnerable, and marginalised. Many people choose to give up a particular indulgence or habit as a form of self-discipline or practice whilst others choose to take up a challenge.
As a College community, we will mark the final preparations and beginning of Lent in Week 6.
- Tuesday 4 March – Shrove Tuesday
- Wednesday 5 March – Ash Wednesday
Further information about these significant days will be provided in the next newsletter.
The 2025 Sacramental Preparation Program will begin in Term 2, with Year 4 students preparing to receive their first Holy Communion. Letters to families of students in Years 3, 4 and 7 will be receiving an email from the All Saints Catholic Parish advising of dates for family calendars for each sacrament as well as the Parent Information Session, being held on Thursday 20 March, 7:00pm, at All Saints Catholic Church.
If you have a child of Sacramental age in 2025, and did not receive any information from the parish about the program, please contact the All Saints Catholic Church on 8642 2847.
- At Home: Encourage your child to review material in short bursts over several days rather than one long session. Flashcards are a great tool for this!
- At Home: Ask your child questions about what they learned in class. Encourage them to explain concepts in their own words. Even simple "What did you learn today?" conversations can be beneficial.
- At Home: When helping with homework, try mixing up the order of problems rather than completing them section by section.
- At Home: Ask your child to teach you about what they're learning. Encourage them to make connections to their own lives or other things they know.
- At Home: Encourage your child to use visual aids like mind maps or diagrams when studying.
- At Home: Praise your child's effort and strategies, not just their results. Encourage them to embrace challenges and view mistakes as learning opportunities.

This year’s annual Sports Day is fast approaching with the event being held on Friday 21st March (Week 8). The students have begun practicing their events, with a number of classes already completing some of the pre-events. There is also some very healthy competition amongst the three houses (Joseph, Tenison and MacKillop), with Joseph and Tenison looking to break MacKillop's five-year winning streak. Families are encouraged to attend and support their children throughout the day. More information will follow closer to the date.

Important Dates
JJAMM (14-18)
Years 1-4 Swimming Lessons (18-24)
Year 12 Leaders Immersion Trip (18-20)
Year 12 Tennis
TAFE Electro Block Week (24-28)
Year 12 Tennis
TAFE Auto Block Week (3-7)
Parent/Teacher Learning Conversations
Shrove Tuesday
Ash Wednesday
Parent/Teacher Learning Conversations
Year 12 Tennis
Student Free Day - Staff Professional Development
Adelaide Cup Public Holiday
Sr Mary Laurencia Memorial
NAPLAN Testing (12-24)
Year 7 Camp (12-14)
