Issue 20, 1 December 2023
- From the Principal, Mr Damian Smith
- Advent
- Staffing
- Year 10 and 11 Final Assembly
- R-6 Family Carols Night
- Port Augusta Christmas Pageant
- Transition
- Class Placements for 2024
- End of Term
- From the Leader of Catholic Identity, Chloe Shanahan
- Sacrament of Reconciliation
- Advent - A Season of Preparation
- Year 9 Rite Journey Community Day
- Immaculate Conception of Mary
- Teaching and Learning
- Year 1 Gold - Religion
- Year 9 - STEM
- Year 10/11 - Food & Hospitality
- Out and About
This Sunday marks the beginning of Advent. Advent reminds us to reflect on the promise of the baby born in Bethlehem 2000 years ago. It is a special time of joyous anticipation for what will unfold on the 25th December. It is a time for exploring our deepest longings and desires.
With more than 70 staff at our College, it is normal for us to thank and farewell people at this time of year. Firstly, Jack Muirhead and Chelsey Caputo will be on leave next year, so we wish them all the best for their travels and adventures. At the end of this year, we will be saying thank you and goodbye to the following staff: Mary Manning, Anna Beach, Emma Ruffles, Madeleine Hibbard, Ruby Bambrick, Filomena Mercurio, Courtney Redden and Grace Hill. These staff members have all contributed to our school community in different ways. They have left lasting impressions on students and families.
It is particularly important to recognise Mary Manning, Anna Beach and Emma Ruffles who have been part of the staff at Caritas College for more than 33, 29 and 17 years respectively. Their commitment, service and dedication to our school community is commendable and deeply appreciated.
I know the whole College community will join me in offering our best wishes and prayers to all the staff who are leaving Caritas. May their road ahead be blessed with joy and happiness.
While there are a number of processes underway to fill positions, I am unable to finalise staffing for 2024 at this time. I can, however, welcome the following staff who will join our College community next year: Matthew Freeman (secondary teacher), Gus Nelson (secondary teacher), Harrison Ruth (secondary teacher), Chris Robinson (secondary teacher), Toni Freer (secondary teacher) and Ashleigh Bolitho (primary teacher). Further appointments will be communicated to families as soon as possible and practicable in the New Year.
The Year 10 and 11 students held their last assembly today to formally conclude their school year. They shared stories and memories from throughout the year that shed light on the things they have learnt and how much they have grown. Awards were presented to students for their individual efforts. It was great to be able recognise and congratulate this cohort of students on their achievements this year.

Unfortunately, due to the inclement weather forecast, we have rescheduled the R-6 Family Carols event that was scheduled to occur on Monday 4th December. As per prior communication, the Carols and Dance performance will now take place on Tuesday 5th December from 9:15am-10.15am (approx.) under St Mary’s Shelter. The event will begin with the presentation of the class awards for 2023. Parents are welcome to join us for the event. While it is disappointing that we have had to reschedule this event, we need to ensure the safety and wellbeing of everyone with consideration of the weather. Students are able to wear their PE uniform with a Christmas accessory.
Our College will be participating in the Port Augusta Christmas Pageant again this year. It is always a joyous occasion that is well supported by the local community. Our Year 3/4 students will be supported by some of our Year 7 students to host a float with the theme of “The First Christmas”. It will be lovely to see our students engage in a large-scale community event and share the joy of the Advent season.
Our Caritas Cubs will graduate from their transition program at the end of Week 8. This means they have familiarised themselves with names, places and faces around the school and they are ready to join our school community as Reception students at the beginning of next year. This is very exciting for these young people and their families!
We also look forward to welcoming a number of new students into our school community in Week 9 for transition into Year 7 and other year levels. Miss Alanah Rowe and our middle school teachers have planned and prepared a range of experiences for our new students to engage in before they start their schooling with us in 2024.
It is a great privilege to be able to share our welcoming and friendly learning environment with new students and families as they transition to our school community.
Teaching staff have spent considerable time and effort placing students into classes for 2024. A range of factors are considered and inform these placements which include:
- Progress of learning
- Student’s individual needs (social/emotional, learning, physical, behavioural)
- Relationships
- A balance of sexes
Sometimes other factors may also need to be considered. Please be assured that the process for class placements focuses on the overall learning and wellbeing needs of each student. Class placements will be communicated to parents during the week prior to school starting next year. This will happen via an email detailing your child’s teacher and classroom. A text message will also be sent alerting you that this information has been emailed to you.
Our Reception to Year 9 students will remain engaged and learning until Wednesday 13 December. Thursday 14 and Friday 15 December are student free days where staff will complete First Aid Training and engage in learning and processes to support the transition of students from one year level to the next.
Thursday night saw some of our students and young parishioners celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation. This was a wonderful celebration, held at All Saints Church, with Fr Jim celebrating a liturgy before each child coming forward to receive this Sacrament. We keep these young people, and their families and faith friends, in our prayers at this time as they continue their initiation into full and active participation within the Church.
On Sunday 3 December at 11:30am or Wednesday 6 December at 7:00pm, there will be a parish celebration of communal Reconciliation. This is an opportunity for us to acknowledge the things we may have done wrong and an opportunity to receive forgiveness. This will help us in our preparation for Advent and the birth of Christ at Christmas.
The Church season of Advent begins this Sunday, 3 December. Advent is a season of preparation, extending over 4 Sundays before Christmas. One of the most well recognised symbols of Advent is the Advent wreath. The wreath has three purple candles and one pink, surrounded by greenery to represent life. Each Sunday, a new candle is lit and the themes of Advent are hope, peace, joy, and love. In the lead up to Christmas, it is easy to become caught up in the busyness of and commercialism of society. Advent helps us to focus on the importance of Christmas where Jesus brought love, hope, peace, and joy into the world.
As we light the first candle of our Advent wreaths, we stop and consider hope. This candle takes us back to Isaiah’s foretelling of the birth of Christ and all the promises that God gave us in the Old Testament that would be fulfilled by the birth of Jesus.
Throughout their Rite Journey class, Year 9 students have been exploring what they have to offer the community, which is connected to their RE learning of what they stand for as young people. Students have also considered the impact that their actions can have on the lives of others and what it means to be active citizens. On Tuesday, students gathered together at All Saints Church to participate in a range of activities to learn about different organisations, how they connect with people, the services that they offer, and to give back to the wider Port Augusta community.
After morning mass with Fr Jim, who spoke about the good works of Dorothy Day and how she lived out her Catholic faith by giving to community, students were split into groups to participate in different activities. Time was spent assisting Fr Jim in making sandwiches to give to those in need, as well as beautifying the Church grounds in preparation for the summer, and visiting Vinnies and assisting in dressing the window mannequins, sorting through donations, setting up the Christmas display, and of course, purchasing items.
The highlight of the day for a couple of groups was visiting the Senior Citizens Centre to engage with some of our elderly citizens by playing cards, carpet bowls, bocce, and spending time talking to and listening to their stories. It was clear that there were benefits to both our students and elderly citizens after the time they spent together.
Students embraced our school theme Called to Community throughout the day and have made an impact on the community in their acts of service learning.

Whilst we move into the season of Advent, and prepare our hearts for the birth of Jesus, it may seem a little strange that we side step and turn our focus to Mary. Whilst the beginning of the Christmas story has its focus on Mary and Joseph making their way to Bethlehem to be counted in the census, we stop to celebrate the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of Mary on 8 December.
This is the day we celebrate Mary’s conception; the time when she was conceived free from original sin in order to become the mother of Jesus. It wasn’t until the 18th century that this particular day was celebrated and declared an important feast day in the Church’s calendar.
This term Year 1 Gold have been learning about the Holy Rosary. Sr Shelia came to visit and talked to the students about how the Rosary is significant to us as Catholics and how it helps us to connect more to God. The students enjoyed having Sr Sheila visit and shared their prayer book that they had made as a whole class

The Year 9 STEM class are building hydraulic machines to solve a problem. They have selected their problem, brainstormed a machine, and are now building and refining a prototype. In the process they're learning more about forces in complex machines.

The Year 10 Food and Hospitality students have been having fun and getting creative in the kitchen building gingerbread houses. It can be a fiddly task but we think they have done a great job!

Important Dates
Port Augusta Christmas Pageant
R-6 Carols Performance (note rescheduled date)
Caritas College Board Meeting
Rite Journey Return & Homecoming Ceremony
R-2 Cinema Excursion
Middle School Transition Days (day 1)
Middle School Transition Day (day 2)
Yrs R-9 Last Day of Term 4
Year 7-9 Splash Day
Year 7-9 Assembly
Parish Mass of Thanksgiving
Student Free Day
Student Free Day
Term 4 Concludes
