Issue 9, 31 May 2024
- From the Principal, Mr Damian Smith
- National Reconciliation Week
- Years 10 & 11 Outdoor Education
- Wellbeing Initiative - Classroom Pulse 'Check In'
- SAPSASA Football
- National Simultaneous Storytime
- Port Augusta Careers Roadshow
- Reception Arid Lands Excursion
- School Sport U15 Girls Australian Football Championship
- From the Leader of Catholic Identity, Chloe Shanahan
- Whole School Liturgy - National Reconciliation Week
- Sacraments - First Eucharist
- Out and About
On Thursday we held a whole school assembly to reaffirm our commitment to promoting justice and reconciliation for Australia’s First Peoples. The theme for National Reconciliation Week this year is 'Now More Than Ever'. It invites us to stand up for justice and the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. In solidarity with this theme, we seek to build stronger connections with each other through showing respect and taking action.

This week our Year 11 Outdoor Education class travelled to Swan Reach to participate in a canoeing experience. The weather hasn't been entirely favourable, with students and staff having to brave the elements as they travelled down the Murray River. Despite the rain and chilly conditions, from the feedback we have received, they have had a good experience.
Next week our Year 10 Outdoor Education students will venture to Warren Gorge for their Trek experience. Trek has been a long-standing event on our school’s annual program, so no doubt the students will be excited and looking forward to this adventure.
Both of these Outdoor Education experiences provide students with opportunities to develop practical skills such as bushwalking, canoeing and camping. They require them to use interpersonal and leadership skills, teamwork, resilience and perseverance as they journey from point ‘A’ to point ‘B’. Much is to be gained from these experiences and we enjoy watching our students learn and grow from them.

Each term our students engage in a Classroom Pulse Check In survey. This initiative allows us to gauge how students are currently feeling about their experience in school. It is tailored to allow your child’s teacher(s) to check in and provide immediate feedback and support to them. The Classroom Pulse Check In survey is an online survey that will be carried out during the school day. There are a range of simple questions about your child’s life at school, their identity as a person and a learner, their sense of belonging, safety, and friendships. For each statement, students will select whether they feel it applies to them 'most of the time', 'sometimes' or 'not very often'. Students in Reception – Year 3 will have emojis alongside the options to help them identify their feelings. A sample of the Classroom Pulse Check In survey can be found here.
In addition to supporting your child, de-identified data from all participating schools will be used by Catholic Education SA to identify trends to assist in future planning for the support of the learning and wellbeing for students across South Australia. Catholic Education SA believes that our role is to help every child to be a thriving person, capable learner and a leader for the world God desires. Therefore, we understand and value how this information helps to support our students to reach that goal. Please do not hesitate to contact the College if you require any further information.
Congratulations to several of our Year 5 and 6 students who represented our College at the SAPSASA Football Carnival this week. The opportunity for students to participate in representative competitions is a privilege and a great experience. I appreciate the commitment that parents/caregivers make to support their child to take part in these experiences in Adelaide.
Last week our R-6 students celebrated National Simultaneous Storytime, which is an annual event where a picture book by an Australian author and illustrator is read simultaneously in libraries, schools, and other venues across the country. To promote the joy of reading, our primary classes all gathered to listen to Mr O’Shaughnessy read the book ‘Bowerbird Blues’, which is a story about a bowerbird looking for blue objects.

Last week our Year 10-11 students, and some Year 12 students, attended the Port Augusta Careers Roadshow. The students had the opportunity to gain lots of insights and learn about potential future pathways beyond school. It was great for them to also build connections and start to network with local industry as they discern post-school pathways.

The Reception students visited the Arid Lands Botanic Gardens last Friday as part of their Science studies. They caught the bus and then participated in a tour of the gardens and had a play in the Arid Explorers Children's Garden. Thanks to Mrs Brown, Mrs Havelberg and our ESOs for supporting the students to have this experience.

Congratulations to Maya Fuller and Bridie Lukich who have been selected to represent School Sport SA at the School Sport Australia 15 Years and Under Girls Australian Football Championship. This is a fantastic achievement, and we wish them all the best when they participate in the championship that will be held in Gold Coast in late July.
On Thursday morning, we acknowledged National Reconciliation Week with our whole school liturgy. The theme of National Reconciliation Week is Now More Than Ever, explored through both the passage from Matthew’s gospel of the Beatitudes and the Uluru Statement from the Heart. Classes have spent time engaging with the passage and Uluru Statement and discussing the importance of reconciliation to think about how they can help those who don’t have a voice or allowing others the space to have a voice.
Our prayer focus included paper chains created by every member in our school community, showing the importance of identity and who we are within our community. Each class also spent time developing a pledge for them to use their voice when it comes to reconciliation and continuing to build upon the relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. These pledges were on display for the liturgy and will be gifted back to classes later in the term to display as a reminder of our call to reconciliation as a community.
We thank Fr Jim for leading us in our celebration and thank him for his continued support and ministry within our school community.
A number of children in our school and parish community have begun their formation and preparation sessions to receive their First Holy Communion later this term. This is an exciting time for these children and we continue to pray for them and their families as they continue their faith journey. The next session for these children and their families will be this weekend, Saturday 1 June at 6:30pm or Sunday 2 June at 10:30am at All Saints Church.

Important Dates
Caritas College Choir Senior Citizen Visit
Year 3/4 NRW Community Mural Excursion
Year 10 Outdoor Education Flinders Trek (5-7)
Years 7-9 Assembly
Caritas Cubs Reception Transition Program
Monarch's Official Day - Public Holiday
TAFE Electrotechnology (11-13)
Year 10 VET Information Evening
SSSSA 7-12 Girls Football Carnival - Whyalla
R-3 Assembly
SAPSASA Football/Netball
Year 12 Child Studies SASVI Visit - Adelaide
Caritas Cubs Reception Transition Program
